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Addis Ababa City Mayor Adanech Abiebie (Photo: File/PD)


Addis Ababa City Administration  is reportedly poised to administer an evaluative assessment exam for its employees, from the main office all the way to district-level staff.

Wazema Radio reported about the new measures this week. Those who are unable to pass the evaluative exam will be given a position that matches their skill level. According to the report, another option is to provide workers with compensation payment so that they can leave. For those who are transferred to another office, their salary level will remain unchanged. However, the city seems to have arrangements for those who failed to achieve passing grades to retake the exam before being given the options of transfer or leaving city jobs – based on the report.

Employees nearing retirement age could opt for the “voluntary retirement” option.

Offices that have undertaken structural adjustment studies are identified to write the exam, and the exams will be administered until January this year, as reported.

The Housing Development Administration, Public Service and Human Resources Development, Work Enterprise and Industry Development Office, Construction License and Inspection Office, and Land Development Administration offices are among those identified for the evaluative examination.

Other City Administration offices still undertaking structural studies will administer the evaluative exams upon completing their studies, according to the source.

The city administration has not released an official statement on the issue. If true, this will be the second controversial policy measure in less than a month.

Last month, the city announced plans to contract out seven key service deliveries, mostly related to land issues, to private companies under the guise of enhancing “quality service delivery.”

With significant loss of credibility and as is often the case with many new policy measures, the latest one has met with skepticism from the public. Politically active Ethiopians in the opposition quarter who are active on social media tend to think that the measures are likely to be politically motivated and are likely to be part of the Oromummaa ideology rather than a quest for efficiency in service delivery.

In the past, there had been alleged attempts to alter the demographic composition in Addis Ababa City by exploiting the transfer of condominium houses in the capital – among other strategies.


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#Addis #Ababa #City #Administration #Introduces #Controversial #Measure

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