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Bullets from the attack (Photo : DW Amharic)


Thirteen people were reportedly killed in the latest string of attacks in Horo Guduru Zone, Amuru district of the Oromia region. Four others sustained injuries in the Joje locality. Those wounded were taken to the hospital, although the severity of their conditions remains unknown.

DW Amharic cited residents, who reported that the attack targeted a vehicle en route to Bure district’s Beko Taba locality to load cereal crops. The vehicle was carrying 17 individuals and they were entirely civilians.

According to the source, area authorities have confirmed the incident. Residents who spoke to DW Amharic indicated the event occurred around 6 a.m. on Tuesday. Hassan Mohammed, a resident of Joje locality, confirmed the story. He said that it was an ambush attack.

Sisay Abewa, head of Joje Kebele where the attack took place, confirmed the death toll of 13 and attributed the assault to what he called radical forces.

Local residents claim that armed groups in the area surpass the capacity of the regional militia. The militants were armed with machine guns and bren.

An estimated 49,000 residents of Amuru district have reportedly been displaced due to the prevailing security situation over the past few years.

The identities of the victims remain undisclosed. Both the Ethiopian Federal government authorities and the Oromia regional state have not yet commented on the incident.

The area has witnessed repeated attacks on civilians, resulting in hundreds of casualties over recent years. The group self-identified as the “Oromo Liberation Army” has been active in the area for the past five years. There are suspicions of clandestine connections between this group and certain government officials, including those in the security apparatus.


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