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Berhanu Nega (PhD), Minister for Education

By Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA – (BORKENA) – The grades achieved by students who recently completed the Ethiopian School Leaving Examination (ESLE) have ignited widespread discussions and concerns throughout the nation. Many are deeply dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in the education sector, raising questions about its overall effectiveness.

Out of the 845,000 students who sat for the 12th-grade national exam during the last Ethiopian Academic Year (2015 EFY), a mere 27,276, representing just 3.2 percent, managed to obtain the passing grade necessary for university enrollment, as reported by the Ministry of Education.

Professor Birhanu Nega, the Minister of Education, pointed out that among the 3,106 schools that administered this year’s 12th-grade school leaving national examination, a troubling 1,328 of them, or 42.8 percent, failed to produce a single student who reached the passing threshold.

Numerous voices within the community are increasingly holding the Ministry of Education accountable for this state of affairs. They wonder why such a downturn has persisted in the education system for several years. Who will advocate for the nation’s educational future, and where does the root of the problem lie?

Similar dismal results were recorded last year, and yet we find ourselves confronted with the same disheartening scores. It raises the question of why the Members of Parliament remain conspicuously silent on this matter. Why haven’t they demanded answers from the Ministry of Education regarding the deteriorating education system?

Furthermore, the Minister, Professor Birhanu Nega, seems impassive to the prevailing ineffectiveness. Many are beginning to wonder why he has not proposed any remedial measures to address the recurring problem from the previous academic year. If he cannot formulate a plan to rectify this failing system, perhaps he should consider submitting his resignation. What would he do if his own children were among the unfortunate and unsuccessful school leavers? Ethiopians are eagerly awaiting answers.


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