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Source : BBC Amharic


Earlier this week, Borkena The Ethiopian Defense Forces (EDF) and the Ethiopian Defense Forces (EDF) have launched a series of attacks in Debre Birhan Town, Amhara region of Ethiopia, reported citing local news sources.

BBC Amharic reported on Friday that five people were killed in the exchange of fire, and four others, including a hospital staff, were wounded. It confirmed the news through sources at Debre Birhan Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. Four were already deceased before arriving at the hospital, and one person died while in the hospital. Four of them are said to be government security forces, while the victim who died in the hospital is said to be a civilian.

The number of victims appears to be much higher than what hospital sources stated. A resident informed BBC Amharic that at least ten police and anti-riot police officers were killed, and that some of them were known to them. They spoke on condition of anonymity.

Residents  who spoke to BBC also mentioned that the funerals of seven people took place on Wednesday afternoon.

It is now confirmed that there was fighting between Fano and security forces in different parts of Debre Birhan on Wednesday, lasting until midday.

The Command Post, based in the town, released a statement confirming that Fano forces (it referred to them as “extremist forces”) entered Debre Berhan with “plans to inflict damage.”

It further mentioned that the Defense Force, Amhara region anti-riot forces, and security in the town conducted a “coordinated operation,” restoring normalcy within a short time.

On Wednesday, local news sources in Ethiopia reported an exchange of gunfire overnight, and the fighting continued until midday in various parts of the city.

The Amhara regional state issued two ultimatums, each lasting seven days, calling for Fano Forces to surrender and lay down their arms. The regional state this week has extended the deadline again. Fanos has rejected it, and confirmed fighting persists in all zones of the Amhara region.

Meanwhile, Fano forces claimed on Thursday that they have captured five hundred Defense Force members, anti-riot, and police forces in the operation in different parts of the region. The spokesperson told EMS that a video footage of them is available but they were unable to share it due to internet shutdown in the region. The Ethiopian government and Amhara regional state have not confirmed or denied the capture of 500 government forces.


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#Hospital #Sources #Confirm #BattleRelated #Deaths #Debre #Berhan

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