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With Wolkait back in the hands of ethnic Amhara, it provided a direct link to Eritrea and enjoyed relative peace at least since the end of the war with the TPLF.  Abiy Ahmed’s tactical decision to give the area back to the TPLF will inevitably disrupt that.

Betraying his own words, Abiy Ahmed this week announced his stance on the question of Welkait. He said a referendum will determine its status. But before the referendum date is to be disclosed, he said those displaced from the area and currently residing in Tigray will have to return. Possibly those who crossed to Sudan after the Maikada Massacre too.

During the war with the Federal government which ended in November 2022, the TPLF fought fiercely to regain Wolkait but it proved to be impossible.

The Federal government has already declared war in the Amhara region under the guise of disarming Fano. The  decision for a referendum on Wolkaite is prone to deepen the war in the Amhara region, and possibly spill over to other regions,  making TPLF’s direct involvement more likely. TPLF has a geo-political ambition in the region. It is reported that  Brigade Nehamdu, an Eritrean opposition, is given a ground (political and military) in Adigrat, Tigray. The Oromummaa force too has an ambition to access the sea. How would Eritrea respond to the situation?

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Video : embedded from FBC YouTube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video


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