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Military attachés based in different diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa visiting GERD project (Photo : PD)


Military attaches from various diplomatic missions based in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, visited Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam (GRD) on Friday.

According to the state-owned media EBC, they received a briefing on the project’s progress from Kifele Horo, the project manager.

The military attachés, as reported by state media, commented that “the water will hit the turbine and return to its natural course,” noting that they observed no impact on Nile riparian countries.

The visit was arranged by the Ethiopian Defense Force Foreign Relations and Military Cooperation Division, with approximately 60 military attachés having visited the project in western Ethiopia’s Benishangul Gumuz region so far, according to EBC, which cited Defense Force sources.

Additionally, it was highlighted that the project could play a role in regional and continental economic integration.

Latest information from government sources indicate that 97 percent of the civil engineering part of the project is completed. In a speech at the Ethiopian Parliament at the beginning of the Ethiopian New Year, the Ethiopian President, Sahle-Work Zewde, stated that the project is expected to be completed this year.

Prior to the Ethiopian New Year on September 11, Ethiopia completed the fourth round of filling the reservoir, retaining 42 billion cubic meters of water at that time. Initially, the project was designed to accommodate 74 billion cubic meters of water upon the conclusion of the filling process and overall project completion.

The GERD project, situated on the Nile, the world’s longest river that crosses several countries, has been a source of tension among Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan. Eighty-five percent of the water originates from the Ethiopian highlands. Egypt has been claiming an exclusive historical right over the Nile waters, citing the colonial-era agreement of 1859, to which Ethiopia was not a signatory.


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