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By Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA – (BORKENA) – Over 1.3 billion birr of the public funds that was confirmed through audit findings as “misspent or squandered” by  the government offices has been returned to government coffers, sources said.

Performance Report of the Audit Stakeholder, Cooperation Forum 2022/23 EFY indicates that the Federal Auditor General’s Office ordered a total of more than 7.7 billion birr spent illegally to be paid back, Sheger FM 102.1 reported.

The report indicates that the audit findings have revealed the misspent in the form discrepancy and payment of salaries for people who have left offices, among others.

Though procurement was made for millions of birr and receipts were obtained, offices were unable to show the purchased items to the auditing body.

It has also been indicated in the audit report that there are many offices that have settled up with millions of birr well over what they should have paid.

In an audit conducted by the Federal Auditor General, the offices were notified to return the money misspent in the form of the above stated and unspecified ways.

The audit report has also indicated that the heads of the offices that were found to have serious financing problems were fined and laid off from their responsibilities.

Accordingly, it has been stated that some office heads and finance chiefs have been fined a total of 76 thousand birr and leaders of two institutions have been removed from their positions.

Universities and other offices are among those that are said to have serious problems in financial expenditure, according to Sheger FM 102.1.


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