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Image shared on social media purportedly showing attacked Defense Force Military truck


A day after the Ethiopian Defense Force issued a statement regarding the situation in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, reports indicate that there are signs of continued fighting.

DW Amharic on Wednesday cited local residents to report that there has been all night long intensive gunfire in Kobo, North Wollo.

“The People in the area that experienced adversity due to the war with the TPLF are not getting complete peace,  it is embittered by the visible conflict that is seen regularly,” a resident told DW Amharic, according to the source.

However, the extent of the damage was unspecified.

From other local sources, the fighting is between the Defense Force and FANO, a volunteer youth organization in the Amhara region that has been supporting the Defense Force for the two years war against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

The statement from the Defense Force that was released on Tuesday trashed news of war between FANO and the Defense Force as something overinflated and the works of the media with profiteering agenda.

However, news from local sources seems to suggest fighting on a bigger scale in different parts of the Amhara region.  It has escalated to a point where the Defense Force has to use heavy weaponry and the number of the Defense Force deployed to the region is said to be swollen.

There is fighting in DieWollo, Gojjam and Gonder areas – according to local sources providing news over digital channels.

In Gojjam, there was reported heavy fighting in the Dega Damot area. Heavy casualty from the FANO, the Defense Force, and the civilian population is reported. In this particular front, the Defense Forces are said to have employed heavy weaponry. However, no local sources are reported on the number of deaths or those wounded.

Similarly, there are reports of intensive fighting in the Debre Tabor area. The fighting in the area is said to be still underway. Road closures, to and from Debre Tabor, and from several directions are reported. Casualty is said to be heavy in this area too – and from FANO, the Defense Force, and the civilian population.

Lasta, one of the great tourist attraction areas due to the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, is affected by the war between FANO and the Defense Force. In fact, some reports indicated that the town itself fell in the hands of FANO fighters and roads leading to Sekota are closed.

Yilkal Kefale, head of the Amhara region administration, made a new call for peace in the region. However, he does not seem to be suggesting a peace talk between FANO and the government. The approach is to delegate elders and religious leaders to approach FANO with the aim to end the fighting.

In a statement released on Tuesday which warned about a serious military measure, the Defense Force said that the problem is not with FANO but with those who are operating in the name of FANO.

Despite the statement, what is clear at this point is that there is indeed extensive military engagement between FANO and the Defense Force.

The Ethiopian government communications affair did not remark, at this writing, about the development.


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