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Tsadkan Gebretensae , one of the TPLF military leaders during the two years war (Photo : SM)

By Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA – (BORKENA) – Leaders of Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) discussed at a confidential meeting the re-annexation of Raya area, sources said. Branch office head of Prosperity Party told Addis Maleda his confirmation about the hidden discussion held on Thursday, 10 August 2023 in Mehoni Town of Tigray Region and the decision made on the re-annexation of Raya areas by force to Tigray from 22 August 2023 to September 12, 2023”.

Political Sector Head with the Prosperity Party of Alamata Town, Moges Eyassu said that following the plan to respond the question of the identity of Raya-Alamata through a referendum, leaders of TPLF decided in a meeting held in Mehoni Town that they would launch fighting starting from 22 August 2023, Addis Maleda said.

Moges said based on information he received from meeting participants that as the defence forces have been weakened by the ongoing battle with Fano militants in various areas of Amhara Region, TPLF planned to take control of Rya-Alamata between 22 August 2023 and 12 September 2023, according to Addis Maleda.

Raya-Alamata submitted a public petition signed by six Weredas to the House of Federation asking for budget release. Following this, the leadership of TPLF has opposed the referendum idea.

Meanwhile Ethio-Forum refuted the accusation quoting an official from Interim Government of Tigray Region. “We are working for peaceful coexistence not for war,” Ethio-Forum quoted the official as saying. The official reportedly told Ethio-Forum that regarding the “intervention forces” in the Region, the Federal Government should resolve it.


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