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The Ethiopian government under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been widely criticized over lack of transparency in policy formulation and implementation. Political practices and activities including agreements between countries or political groups are usually secretive.

A few months ago, it was rumored that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s leadership is in talks with the Militant Oromo nationalist group that is largely operating in the Western Oromia region of Ethiopia – it calls itself the Oromo Liberation Army. However, the points of negotiation were unknown.

Merara Gudina, leader of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), had an interview with The Reporter. He revealed what could be seen as a secret about negotiations between Abiy Ahmed and the Oromo Liberation Army.

According to Merara, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s group pledged impunity for the OLA for all the crimes committed so far and that it will not also go after if there is any created wealth in the course of the guerrilla movement. OLA in return wanted power sharing with the government – something that caused the failure of the negotiation.

Watch Merara’s interview below

Video : embedded from Reporter youtube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video.

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