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Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, whose reign spanned from 1930 to 1974, left an indelible mark on his country and the world, showcasing a remarkable legacy of leadership and diplomacy. He played a pivotal role in the global stage as an advocate for African independence and unity during a time of colonialism and imperialism. One of his most notable achievements was his address to the League of Nations in 1936, eloquently denouncing Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia and calling for international solidarity. His unwavering commitment to self-determination and sovereignty not only inspired his own people but also garnered support from other nations in the struggle against colonial oppression. Additionally, Haile Selassie’s efforts to modernize Ethiopia led to advancements in education, infrastructure, and healthcare, further improving the lives of his subjects. His reign, known as the “Golden Age” in Ethiopian history, left a lasting legacy of independence, social progress, and diplomacy, making him a symbol of hope and inspiration for Ethiopians and the broader African continent.