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Semerita Sewasew, State Minister of Ministry of Finance (Photo : SM)

By Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA –  (BORKENA) – Redevelopment Project Committee approved a budget of 60 million USD for the 2023/24 Ethiopian Fiscal Year (EFY) to be used for rehabilitation and reconstruction projects in conflict-affected areas, Addis Maleda reported.

At a day-long meeting of the Committee held in Bishoftu Town (DebreZeit) , the 2022/23 EFY plan execution report and the 2023/24 future plan of the redevelopment project of the conflict-affected areas were presented by the head of project coordination offices and followed by discussion.

In the discussion, it was stated that in the 2022/23 EFY, various activities were carried out. These include, among others, organising coordination offices that lay the foundation for project execution, provision of experts, establishing organisational structure needed for the project at the community level, and creating awareness among project experts on project’s financial, procurement, environmental and social security principles and procedures.

It was mentioned in the course of the discussion about   complaints arising from the beneficiary community and project stakeholders regarding the preparatory activities that took time to perform the works that require immediate response to the institutions that provide basic community services.

In the next Ethiopian fiscal year of 2023/24 all stakeholders are expected to shoulder responsibilities properly and act in an intensified manner to provide basic services to the society. To implement the planned activities, a budget of 60 million dollars has been approved by the members of the project committee.

The Committee meeting was presided over by the State Minister of Ministry of Finance, Semerita Sewasew and State Minister of Women’s  and Social Affairs Ministry, Alemitu Umut. Present at the meeting were committee members, federal ministerial offices,  health, education, water and energy, urban infrastructure including the representatives of the Disaster Risk and Preparedness Institute, as well as the five project coordinating regions that benefit from the project: Amhara, Afar, Oromia, Benshangul-Gumz and Tigray.

As per an agreement signed between the government of Ethiopia and the World Bank, the redevelopment project for conflict-affected areas will be implemented for five years starting from 2030 with a budget of 300 million dollars, according to Addis Maleda. 


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