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Dr Aklog Birra

Abductions in Ethiopia are systemic: the government in power is accountable

I would like to commend US Ambassador to Ethiopia His Excellency Massinga for his courage and principled position. Ambassador Massinga said the following:

“Recent and Frequent kidnappings in Oromia and Amhara regions show how prolonged conflict emboldens criminals and weakens the rule of law. Abductions of civilians and students for financial gains must stop. Last week, over one hundred students and passengers were abducted for ransom.”

This is not the first time the American Ambassador expressed deep concern about the deepening state and non-stare sponsored upheaval in Ethiopia. He made a policy statement last March for which he was applauded and criticized by Ethiopians. His statement that abductions must be stopped is legitimate and powerful. In 2019, 17 college students were abducted. Thier whereabouts is still unknown.Last week, over one hundred civilians and university students were kidnapped near Gohatsion, in the Oromia regional state. They were traveling from the Amhara region to the capital Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian government or the Oromia regional state avoided remarking about the incident.

Who is involved in these recurring abductions? Who do we hold accountable?

Recurrence of kidnappings and other crimes show the failure of the government of Ethiopia to protect and defend civilians, including students.Here is my assessment of the incident and more with Hibre Radio this morning.

Dr Aklog Birra

US Ambassador Ervin Massinga Voices Concern Over Deteriorating Legal System Amid Student Abductions in Ethiopia

#Applauding #Ambassador #Massinga #Diplomat #Unafraid #Stand #Whats #Ethiopia

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