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Homebuyers dissatisfied with the delivery of unfinished housing from sister companies Noah Real Estate and Adey Abeba Real Estate are threatening to pursue legal action.

Adey Abeba worked on Noah Real Estate’s Green Park Site and has been in the process of transferring the properties to homebuyers since last year. The site, located in Addis Ababa’s Lemi Kura Sub-city, consists of 26 blocks each comprising five storeys.

More than 650 homebuyers have received the keys to their respective properties over the past year. Although some of them have moved into their units, others have been unable to due to the absence of basic amenities and services promised in the sales contracts.

At least 27 homebuyers who have been unable to move into their property due to the absence of services such as running water, electricity, greenery, water reservoir tankers, kitchen cabinets, and other finishing materials, have sought out legal representation and filed a written complaint with the developers.

“My clients will proceed to other legal options unless the companies fulfill the infrastructure listed out in the housing sales contract within five working days,” reads a letter written by Yonas Jarsa Law Office, which is representing 27 dissatisfied homebuyers.

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Buyers had perceived the missing services and amenities initially, but agreed to move in following promises from the developers, who said they would fill in the gaps while the buyers took residence in their homes. However, buyers say they found it difficult to reside in the property without the infrastructure.

They expressed their frustration to the developers, whose representatives acknowledged the issues and assured them that efforts are being made to address the shortcomings.

“The infrastructure was initially handed over but we are working swiftly to complete it,” Yoseph Desta, an attorney representing Noah Real Estate, told The Reporter. He acknowledged the missing amenities and services were part of the sales contracts.

Yoseph says a variety of factors have forced delays in delivering the amenities, the most pressing of which is water supply.

He said the developer has entered into an agreement with the government to dig a well within the compound to meet water needs.

“We’re laying a new pipeline because the previously laid line is insufficient for carrying the water through the block pipes,” said Yoseph.

He disclosed that a contract with an electrical contractor to install a transformer sourced from the government fell through, causing delays as the developer negotiates with a new company.

Adey Abeba Real Estate Plc and Noah Real Estate Plc are effectively one company, as confirmed in a letter to Lemi Kura Sub-city in the sales agreement contracts for Noah’s Green Park Site.

#Buyers #Air #Grievances #Incomplete #Homes #Delivered #Noah #Adey #Abeba

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