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Dera district in indicated in google map. It is in a range of 100 kilometers to the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.


In the latest attack that happened In the span of three weeks, a tragic massacre of  300 innocent lives has been reported in the Dera District of North Shoa, Oromia region, which shares a border with the Amhara region.

On Tuesday, local news outlet Addis Maleda confirmed this devastating incident with information obtained from residents in the region. The OLF Shane, a militant Oromo extremist group, operating under the guise of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), is said to be behind the tragic attack on innocent civilians. The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has confirmed that it  has been informed about the situation in Dera District.

Among the victims was a five-month pregnant woman who fell victim to her husband, who had declared allegiance to the militant Oromo gunmen. Tragically, he also took the life of her brother. The perpetrator was reported to have four children with the victim, in addition to an unborn child. The victim’s mother and a few other family members were reportedly injured and are currently receiving medical treatment.

An informant who wished to remain anonymous for security reasons has revealed, to the news source,  that these heinous acts have been occurring for over three weeks. While the total number of casualties is uncertain, the information he has verified is 300. This informant is considered a credible source, to Addis Maleda,  and has the names of more than 80 victims.

Other residents in the district have reported that the OLF Shane’s attack commenced on October 8 and is ongoing. As of the time of this report, twenty localities in the district, including Baby Dere, Amuma Gendo, Jaru Dada, Menkata, and Wore Gebero, remain under the control of the armed group.

Furthermore, the group has conducted kidnappings, demanding ransoms of up to one million Ethiopian birr. Those who could afford the ransom have been released, while those who have not are still in captivity. The exact number of individuals in detention remains unspecified.

OLF- Shane has been battling with Fano forces in the area for several weeks now, and there were reports that the group got support from Oromia region special forces.

The Ethiopian government has not yet remarked about it.

In a related development, local news sources on Tuesday have reported that the Ethiopian Defense Force carried out numerous drone strikes in the Minjar district of North Shoa. Although most of the targets were believed to be civilians, the exact number of casualties has not been disclosed.

The Ethiopian government has recently claimed that the security situation in the Amhara region is improving and the curfew has been extended to 9 pm. In some cities including Bahir Dar, Debris Berhan and Debre Tabor. However, credible news sources, such as Ethio News, indicate that the fighting between Fano and Ethiopian government soldiers is ongoing in many parts of the region.


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#Ethiopia #OLF #Shane #reportedly #massacred #innocent #civilians #Dera #North #Shoa

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