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The foreign ministers of Ethiopia and Somalia have wrapped up a round of “open and friendly” talks in the Turkish capital following months of heightened tensions, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Minister Taye Atskeselassie (Amb.) and his Somali counterpart, Ahmed Fiqi Ahmed (Amb.), met in Ankara on July 1, 2024, at the invitation of Turkish government officials.

They discussed “potential solutions for misunderstandings between the two countries,” according to a statement from the Ministry.

Mogadishu and Addis Ababa have been embroiled in a diplomatic spat since the Ethiopian and Somaliland governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding that proposes a sea access for statehood recognition arrangement six months ago.

A month after the controversial MoU was inked, Turkiye and Somalia signed a military pact that will see Ankara train Somali naval forces and provide security on its waters in exchange for 30 percent of revenues from the Somali Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

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The ministers are scheduled to sit for another round of talks in Ankara in early September, according to the statement.

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