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Fisseha Yitagesu is appointed as State Minister for Trade System and Licensing Sector (Photo : file/PD)

By Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA – (BORKENA) – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) removed the State Minister of Trade of Licensing and system Section, Teshale Belihu from his position and replaced him with Fisiha Yitagesu, who served as the CEO of the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, sources indicated.

Fisseha Yitagesu, who was appointed as the new State Minister for Trade System and Licensing Sector took his position yesterday, December 13, 2023 the Amharic Weekly, the Reporter said.

Teshale Belihu had served as the Director General of Ethiopia’s Suitability Assessment before he was appointed as State Minister of Trade, according to the Reporter.

The other official that was removed from his position by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) this week is Taye Denda, who served the Ministry of Peace as State Minister.

Last week, the Prime Minister appointed two State Ministers for the Ministry of Justice, Alemante Agidew  and Fekadu Tsega as the Prime Minister’s Advisory Ministers. The Premier has also appointed Tesfaye Dabba as the State Minister for the prosecutor section of the Ministry of Justice, according to the Reporter.


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