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Seyoum MesfinEthiopia’s State Minister for Peace who defected to the United States where he is seeking political asylum, last week, is sharing more stories about the Abiy Ahmed-led Prosperity Party that is ruling Ethiopia. In an interview with Roha Media, he said he and Taye Dendea, another State Minister whom Abiy Ahmed threw into prison barely 24 hours after sacking him as State Minister for Peace, were labeled as “Anti-Prosperity Party” during an internal party evaluation.

Taye Dendea’s family was evicted from government housing a day after he was arrested. Seyoum is also claiming that the safety of  his family is facing danger in Ethiopia.

He also remarked about the struggle of Fano and its relevance for all Ethiopians. He said the issue of Fano brought him in a collision course with Abiy Ahmed’s regime.

Watch his interview  below

Video : embedded from Roha Media YouTube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video

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