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Awramba: A collective community

In a world often marked by conflict and discord, there exist communities like the Awramba People of Ethiopia, who stand as beacons of hope and peace, amid the storm. Nestled 73 kilometres east of Bahir Dar, Awra Abibais an intentional community that transcends beyond the standard narratives of strife. For the past two years, however, this vibrant pacifist collective has been ensnared in the war between Fano fighters and Ethiopian federal government soldiers. Renowned for their unwavering pursuit of tranquility, navigating such tension has been a defining trial for them. This article, based on a report by Al Jazeera, explores the resilience of the Awramba people who, amid Ethiopia’s Amhara conflict, exclaim, “We just want peace.”

Introduction to Awra Amba Community

Villagers in Awra Amba [Peter Yeung/Al Jazeera]

The Awra Amba community is a remarkable testament of unity in diversity thriving in the East African nation of Ethiopia. Despite the challenges posed by ongoing conflict, their tale is one of indefatigable resilience and unbowed optimism. This unique civil society is often regarded as an exemplar model of a pacifist intentional community persistently maintaining peace and harmony.

Historical Background of Awra Amba

Awra Amba, what did the in out Amharic as አውራ አምባ, came into being four decades ago, founded by Zumra Nuru who envisioned a society free from religious, gender, and economic inequalities. With peace as the foundation, this intentional community aimed to foster universal love and mutual respect among all its members. The guiding principle of Awra Amba stands strong in the face of adversity – ‘We just want peace’.

The establishment of Awra Amba was a radical break from traditional Ethiopian social structure where religious, gender, and age-based hierarchies prevail. It was envisioned as a paradigm shift, valuing equality and social justice over orthodox norms and beliefs.

Geographical Location and Demographics

Located approximately 73 kilometres east of Bahir Dar, in the Fogera woreda of Ethiopia, Awra Amba is home to roughly 463 souls, living their dream of a tranquil and egalitarian life. The community is nestled in the scenic landscapes of Ethiopia, making it a noteworthy ecological zone in addition to its sociocultural significance.

The demographic canvas of Awra Amba reflects the diversity of Ethiopia with members from diverse ethnic, religious, and age backgrounds working collectively toward the shared vision of peace and equality. Irrespective of their origins, everyone in Awra Amba is welcomed and treated as equal, embodying the values of inclusivity and mutual respect they stand for.

CORE Principles of Awra Amba

Aregash Nuru, left, a 30-year-old accountant and local tour guide in Awra Amba [Peter Yeung/Al Jazeera]

Among the intriguing elements of Awra Amba’s uniqueness is its distinctive set of principles that guide its community life. The underlying tenets are deeply entrenched in their societal fabric and significantly influence daily activities.

Focus on Equality and Inclusiveness

At the heart of Awra Amba is its focus on equality and inclusiveness. The community stands firmly against any forms of discrimination, including gender and social status. Men and women share household chores and farming equally, which is unique in the context of traditional Ethiopian societal norms. Furthermore, instead of deploying common Ethiopian societal stratification, they view everyone as equal members of the community. The founders of Awra Amba had the innovative vision to create a society where everyone could coexist peacefully, void of social classes and prejudices

Notably, the community does not practice religion believing that it creates needless divisions. Instead, they uphold the philosophy of “doing onto others what you would like them to do onto you”. It’s their belief that living a good life will inevitably lead to a peaceful coexistence.

Economic Practices and Sustainability Efforts

Awra Amba is recognised for its commendable economic practices and sustainability efforts. The community has established a cooperative economic system— facets of their economy include weaving, agriculture, and other small-scale industries. They operate a communal saving system that caters for members’ needs and emergencies.

Moreover, the community has spearheaded sustainability efforts such as setting up a biogas plant to convert animal waste into fuel. These practices have not only made Awra Amba financially self-reliant but also ensured minimal environmental impact.

In sum, Awra Amba’s principles and practices present an alternative model of living which is starkly different from the surrounding traditional Ethiopian societies. It serves as a testament to the possibilities of peace, equality, cooperative economics, and sustainability. Undoubtedly, the principles of Awra Amba are significant factors that have kept the community thriving amidst Ethiopia’s complex socio-political landscape.

Impact of the Amhara Conflict on AWRA Amba

The peaceful Awra Amba community has found itself inadvertently caught in the middle of a violent conflict between the Fano fighters and Ethiopian federal government soldiers. The impact of this conflict on the community is quite severe.

Challenges Faced by the Community

Awra Amba, known for its pacifist stance and harmonious living, has grappled with a unique set of challenges due to the Amhara conflict. The community, which used to thrive on social cohesion and mutual support, now finds itself living in fear and uncertainty.

The communication links with the outside world have been adversely affected due to the ongoing conflict. Additionally, the conflict has had an economic impact; with resources getting scarce and trading routes disrupted, the community is struggling to sustain its daily needs. The culture of peace and equality that Awra Amba stood for seems to be under a cloud of war.

Responsses and Resilience of Awra Amba

Despite the overwhelming challenges, the people of Awra Amba have shown remarkable resilience in coping with the ongoing conflict.

Community Initiatives to Maintain Peace

The community has been trying to maintain peace in various ways. They have held intra-community dialogues to mitigate the effects of the conflict on their daily lives. They have prioritized non-violent conflict resolution and promoted dialogue over violence.

Support from External Organizations

Assistance from external organizations, as reported by Al Jazeera, has been received gratefully by the Awra Amba community. The Red Cross and a few other international peace organisations have extended their support to alleviate the impact of the conflict on the community. They have provided necessary supplies and psychological support to the affected individuals.

In adversity, they have showcased exceptional levels of resilience and unity, focusing on the preservation of peace and harmony which are the fundamental values of their existence. Despite the harsh realities of the conflict, the community’s spirit remains undeterred in its pursuit of peace and equality.

Vision for the Future of Awra Amba

The future holds many hopes and dreams for the Awra Amba community. Despite the ongoing conflict, the pacifist group continues to push forward with their long-term goals and aspirations, fueled by immense resilience, tenacity, and optimism.

Long-term Goals and Aspirations

Awra Amba’s vision extends beyond the immediate obstacles. The community’s focus lies in unity, survival, and the continuation of their unique socio-economic model. Education is viewed as a crucial tool in this community, a key to unlocking the potential of every community member. They aspire not only to strengthen their educational system but also to uphold their culture of inclusivity.

A long-term goal for Awra Amba is to become a self-sustainable community. They aim to improve their agrarian initiativesby expanding into advanced agricultural practices and introducing sustainable farming techniques. Moreover, they envision a community where no member is denied their fundamental human rightsparticularly the right to aspire toward and achieve their individual potential.

Hopes for Peace and Reconciliation

In the face of conflict, the Awra Amba community remains steadfast in their pacifist perspective. They continue to advocate for peace, vehemently opposing violence and discord. Their highest hope is for the restoration of peace in the Amhara region, allowing the community to once again focus wholly on their pursuit of self-sustainment.

The residents of Awra Amba not only hope for peace in their immediate surroundings but also champion peace on a broader scale. Their vision extends to Ethiopia as a whole, aspiring towards national reconciliation and unity in diversity. Embracing their pacifist ethos, the community hopes to be a beacon of peace amidst ongoing discord, setting an example for others to follow and demonstrating that peaceful coexistence is indeed possible.

In conclusion, the future of Awra Amba, as envisaged by its community, is one with fulfilled dreams of sustainability, equality, educationand peace. As their history has shown, the people of this community can not only dream of such a future – they are entirely capable of making it a reality. As part of this effort, they extend their gratitude to media bodies such as Al Jazeera that help share their story with the world by lending them a much-needed voice. Remember to check out the full storyhere for a richer understanding of the Awra Amba community.

#Exploring #Awra #Amba #Pacifist #Ethiopian #Community #Endures #Abiy #Ahmeds #War

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