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Ethio Chronicles

Pastor Bushiri, a notorious criminal, serial rapist, and fraudster, maintains troubling ties with the leadership of the Ethiopian government’s Prosperity Gospel movement, a faction that exerts significant control over various aspects of governance. These close associations between Bushiri and the leaders of the Prosperity Gospel movement within the government cannot be overlooked, particularly when we witness the tangible effects of Prosperity Gospel teachings, which have resulted in significant suffering.

What heightens our concerns is the notable absence of any public distancing or disavowal by both the former Prime Minister and Abiy Ahmed from Pastor Bushiri, further amplifying the apprehensions linked to this association.

Moreover, the circumstances surrounding the 2014 meeting, which involved the Prosperity Gospel faction of the EPRDF led by Abiy, Hailemariam, and Aba Dula, in collaboration with the fugitive criminal Pastor Bushiri, are deeply unsettling. Hailemariam, Abiy, and Aba Dula played an active role in promoting and facilitating the dissemination of Prosperity Gospel teachings in Ethiopia, with Pastor Bushiri assuming a central role in training adherents.

This endorsement by senior government officials fostered an environment where numerous individuals deceitfully portrayed themselves as prophets, when, in reality, they were nothing more than fraudsters. They cynically manipulated and exploited the trust of the Ethiopian people for their own personal gain, leading many down the path of poverty and despair.

Presently, the influence of Prosperity Gospel teachings in Ethiopia continues to grow, negatively impacting the lives of countless Ethiopians. The nation’s social fabric is fraying, marked by ongoing violence and atrocities, all while substantial resources are squandered on unproductive projects. These circumstances demand our urgent attention and action.

Video : embedded from Ethio Chronicles YouTube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video

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#Exposing #Complex #Link #FugitiveSerial #RapistFraudulent #Pastor #Bushiri #Abiy #Ahmed #Hailemariam

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