The government of Abiy Ahmed and the radical ethnic Oromo nationalist group- OLF-Shane , which the Ethiopian Parliament designated as a terrorist organization in May 2021, have been engaged in peace talks in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for over a week.
Despite hopes from the region’s people for potential peace, a government authority announced on Tuesday that the peace talks concluded without reaching an agreement. There were in fact reports that the peace talk was progressing smootly.
Redwan Hussien, Security Advisor to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, shared on his official X page, “The Government of FDRE has engaged in peace talks with Shene/OLF-OLA, aiming to end the conflict in some parts of the Oromia region. Unfortunately, the two rounds of talks ended without an agreement.”
The Ethiopian government announced these peace talks shortly after they were reported by Ethiopian media outlets, yet no specifics were provided regarding the negotiation points.
This latest talk marked the second round. The first one was held about six months ago.
The Ethiopian government is accusing the militant group which calls itself “Oromo Liberation Army” (OLA) for failure of the second round of talks. Redwan Hussien, who was said to be represented in the talk after representation by military leaders was opposed by Ethiopian opposition groups, claimed that “GoE tried to pursue peace in earnest within the framework of principles that have guided similar earlier efforts which include respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity & unity of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia & respect for constitutional norms.”
For him, the failure of the talk was due to the “intransigence of the other party” ( OLA). He wrote “due to the intransigence of the other party the talks have come to an end without an agreement. The obstructive approach and unrealistic demands of the other party are the principal reasons why these talks could not succeed.”
As of now, the militant group has not released a statement on why the talks failed and what it was demanding from the Ethiopian government. The group leader, Jal Mero, reportedly had a Zoom meeting with supporters of the organization earlier this week. He is said to have stated that it is an achievement that his organization has now the stature to negotiate in the “presence of great powers” although it was despised in the past – apparently by government.
It is not disclosed to the Ethiopian Public as to who was mediating the talks, what the Abiy Ahmed’s government is offering in the peace talk and what the terrorist group has been demanding.
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