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Meles Alem, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during biweekly briefing on Wednesday, July 19, 2023. (Photo : public domain)


Meles Alem, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, on Wednesday, said that the country is working to ensure that Ethiopia is represented in regional, continental, and international organizations.

His remark during the biweekly briefing rather suggests that he was talking about employment opportunities for Ethiopian nationals in international organizations including the United Nations.

The spokesperson is quoted,in a news update from the Ministry, as saying “Representation of Ethiopia as a country and through its nationals in these organizations has several advantages, the Spokesperson of the Ministry, H.E. Amb Meles Alem,”

It was also noted that four Ethiopian nationals have recently joined different United Nations agencies “after competing for the positions.”

Furthermore, it was indicated that the Ministry led a diplomatic effort in Africa to garner support for the candidates.

The Ministry did not disclose specifics about the individuals who were offered employment at the United Nations agencies nor their roles.

In November 2022, Solomon Areda, who was Deputy Chief Justice of the Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia, was offered a position with the United Nations as a “half-time judge of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal” His terms of service are set to be for seven years between 2023-2030.

Workeneh Gebeyehu, former police chief and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia became Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) a few years after Abiy Ahmed took power as Prime Minister.


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