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“We Survived on Half a Liter of Water a Day,” Says Woman Released from Detention Camp

A woman, who was recently freed from a make shift concentration camp in Addis Ababa, where tens of thousands of ethnic Amhara people have been held, shared her harrowing experience. Speaking anonymously due to fear of reprisals in an interview with Ethiopian Media Service, she described her capture near the Sidist Kilo area, where she was stopped by security forces without any explanation for her detention. Despite informing them that she was a nursing mother, the security forces remained indifferent.

Subsequently, she and many others were transported to the Gelan Condomium area, where over 10,000 ethnic Amharas were detained. Recounting her experience, she broke down in tears, highlighting the deplorable detention conditions. The sanitation facilities for women were in a horrendous state, with limited access to water, forcing them to survive on just half a liter of bottled water. Food was nearly nonexistent.

She disclosed that around four thousand women were released, but approximately 7,000 men remain in the facility, which the government has been using as a makeshift concentration camp. Notably, the Ethiopian government has consistently denied the existence of such camps, despite mounting evidence.

The state of emergency imposed by Abiy Ahmed’s government on the Amhara region has not been lifted, and the region continues to be ravaged by conflict. The woman’s firsthand account can be heard in the video/audio below, available in Amharic.

Video : embedded from Ethiopian Media Services Youtube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video

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#Shocking #Conditions #Addis #Ababas #concentration #Camp #Revealed #Released #Woman

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