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The Foreign Affairs Minister of Somalia has indicated that the country may explore the possibility of establishing connections with and providing support to rebel groups opposing the Ethiopian government, should the latter proceed with the agreement it has made with Somaliland. This statement reflects Somalia’s strategic considerations in response to regional developments.

Ahmed Moalim Fiqi addressed this issue during an interview with local Universal TV on September 12. He articulated that the option to engage with armed factions in Ethiopia remains viable for Somalia, particularly if the Ethiopian government persists in its current course of action. Fiqi emphasized that this potential engagement is not merely a reaction but a strategic choice available to Somalia.

Despite outlining this option, Fiqi clarified that the situation has not escalated to that point yet. He expressed optimism for a peaceful resolution, stating that while the possibility of supporting the rebels exists, it would only be pursued if hostilities continue and the Ethiopian government attempts to enforce the controversial agreement. His remarks underscore a cautious approach, balancing the need for regional stability with the realities of ongoing tensions.

Fiqi was inquired about the Somali government’s intentions regarding communication with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, which had been engaged in a two-year conflict with Ethiopia’s federal government until the Pretoria Cessation of Hostilities Agreement was established in November 2022. He acknowledged that discussions had taken place on this matter, emphasizing that the disintegration of Ethiopia does not align with the interests of Somalia or the broader Horn of Africa region.

Fiqi further elaborated that should Ethiopia persist in its support for factions that oppose Somalia, as well as for secessionist groups with which they have formed agreements, this could present a viable option for Somalia. His remarks indicate a cautious approach, balancing the complexities of regional politics while asserting Somalia’s position in the face of external influences.

In response to Fiqi’s statements, Nebiyu Tedla, Ethiopia’s deputy permanent representative to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, expressed his disapproval. He characterized the Somali foreign minister’s comments as absurd, suggesting that individuals affiliated with al-Shabab masquerading as government officials are ineffectual beyond the confines of Mogadishu, and he warned that such rhetoric could jeopardize the progress made in Somalia, potentially leading the nation into further turmoil.

Relations between the two countries have been warming up during the last three decades as Ethiopia hosted reconciliation conferences and sent troops to help successive Somali governments. But relations turned sour when Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the president of the self-declared, breakaway republic of Somaliland on January 1, 2024.

According to Somaliland officials, under the MOU Ethiopia will be the first country to recognize Somaliland as an independent nation in return for the leasing of 20 kilometers (12 miles) of seashore to be used as a naval base by Ethiopia for 50 years. Somalia sees the deal as infringement to its sovereignty.

On Friday, U.S. Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa Mike Hammer, speaking in Addis Ababa, urged both countries to find ways to work together.

“Let me state unequivocally the United States supports Somalia’s territorial sovereignty, integrity and unity, and we have made that very clear,” he said.

“We want to see peaceful and good relations between all countries in the region and certainly between Ethiopia and Somalia. And we urge both to find ways to move forward and look how they can continue to work together. We are well aware of the ENDF’s [Ethiopian National Defense Forces] and Ethiopia’s sacrifice in Somalia in the fight against al-Shabab. That is what we should be focusing on, frankly from the U.S. perspective, how we can support Somalia in its fight against al-Shabab.”

Hammer said fighting al-Shabab requires good relations between Somalia and Ethiopia.

“There is no reason that these two countries should have difficulties that can’t be resolved again through conversations. But again, both countries need to accept the basic principes outlined frankly by the AU charter, which is affirmation and recognition in understanding of each other’s territorial sovereignty, integrity and unity,” Hammer told reporters at the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa.

Somalia and Ethiopia fought two wars and supported each other’s rebels in the 1970s and 80s.

In February 1988, the president of Somalia, Mohamed Siad Barre, and Ethiopian President Mengistu Haile Mariam, reached an agreement in Djibouti mediated by late Djibouti President Hassan Guled Aptidon. They agreed to cease hostilities and committed to cease supporting each other’s rebels.

This story originated in VOA’s Horn of Africa Service.


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