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Six million Sudanese displaced, more than 10,000 dead one year into civil war

Tom Periello, US special envoy to Sudan, said there are “clear messages” that the war torn nation is “barrelling towards a point of no return” following meetings with representatives of neighboring governments, including Ethiopia.

Periello also spoke with diplomatic representatives from Egypt, Djibouti, Kenya, and Uganda during a tour around the region as the civil war in Sudan shows no signs of slowing down nearly one year after it erupted.

The struggle between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the RSF paramilitary group is followed by a trail of carnage and humanitarian catastrophes, with tens of thousands dead and more than six million Sudanese internally displaced.

An additional 1.8 million have been forced to flee to neighboring countries, like Ethiopia, according to the UN.

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During an online press briefing on Thursday, Perriello said “everybody understands that this crisis is barrelling towards a point of no return.”

He said failed attempts to mediate talks between Al-Burhan, Sudanese army chief, and Hemedti, leader of the RSF, highlighted “growing concern across the region and a new sense of urgency.”

“Frankly, we wish the urgency had been there before,” said Perriello.

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Saudi Arabia, among others, have made overt attempts to organize talks between the warring factions. Jeddah once hosted a round of attempted negotiations.

Despite its efforts, IGAD has been avoided by Al-Burhan, who suspended Sudan’s relations with the regional bloc in January.

Perriello called for a restart of talks “as soon as Ramadan is over,” with the key regional actors and voices from Sudan included.

“We can reach that agreement not just to end the violence but to really open up to full humanitarian access,” he said.

Regarding accountability for the conflict in Sudan, Perriello hinted at potential prosecution at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“Certainly, there are ongoing investigations that could end up in the ICC or other areas,” he said.

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