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Mengistu Musie (PhD)
[email protected]

The self-defeatist diaspora is embroiled in conflict, as if they are on a battlefield, using accurate ammunition against what they perceive to be true enemies of the people. However, the reasons behind this infighting are something other than what we should involve ourselves with. A notable observation is that many of these individuals, who operate under pseudonyms, reside in the United States, with a smaller number scattered across European cities. These same abstractionists and a few YouTubers are intent on crowning a single individual as a leader. Ironically, they do not genuinely believe in this person’s leadership qualities but are more interested in being perceived as kingmakers.

In stark contrast, the real fighters back in Ethiopia, specifically the greatest generation of the Amhara militants of the Amhara Fano, are facing true enemies in real-time on the battlefield. This generation is critically struggling to defend their neighborhoods and fight for their people’s future. Unlike the diaspora, who are embroiled in theoretical and ideological battles from afar, the Amhara Fano militants are dealing with tangible threats and making significant sacrifices on the ground.

The Amhara Fano represents a resilient and determined force within Ethiopia. Their commitment to their cause is unwavering, and a deep-seated sense of duty and patriotism drives their actions. They are not distracted by the political posturing, and power plays preoccupying the diaspora.

Instead, they are focused on the immediate and pressing challenges they face, putting their lives on the line for the sake of their community. Recognizing the disparity between the diaspora’s virtual skirmishes and Ethiopia’s real, life-and-death struggles is essential. The diaspora’s self-defeatist attitudes and internal conflicts weaken their collective influence and divert attention from critical issues. Meanwhile, the Amhara Fano remains steadfast, undeterred by external distractions, and resolute in their mission.

The dissonance between the two groups highlights a broader issue of disconnection and misalignment of priorities. While the diaspora engages in intellectual and ideological debates, the Amhara Fano is forced to confront immediate threats to their existence. This stark contrast underscores the need for unity and support from the diaspora to bolster the efforts of those on the ground rather than indulging in divisive and counterproductive infighting.

In conclusion, the Amhara Fano militants embody real struggle and heroism, fighting with courage and determination against natural enemies in real time. Their sacrifices and efforts deserve recognition and support. The diaspora must move beyond self-defeatist tendencies and align their actions with the tangible needs and aspirations of those they claim to represent. Through solidarity and a clear focus on the common cause, meaningful progress can be achieved in the face of adversity.

The diaspora has made positive contributions in the past and continues to do so in the present. Many diaspora members support the struggle, providing various forms of assistance and backing the movement wholeheartedly. However, among these optimistic supporters, a few loud voices tirelessly work to crown a single individual as the leader.

The saddest part about these few individuals causing divisions within the fighting force is that they live comfortably in countries where leaders are selected and approved through democratic elections. Ironically, these same individuals participate in free democratic elections in their respective societies. Yet, they prescribe a very different approach for the people they claim to help and support, pushing for a single individual to be elevated to the “king of kings.”

What these individuals fail to realize is that the current generation of Amhara youth is more than capable of choosing their own leaders. These youth, with their remarkable resilience, intelligence, and strategic acumen, are not only competent and well-equipped to make informed decisions about their leadership, but they also possess a superior understanding of their enemies and the challenges they face. The Amhara youth, represented by groups like the Amhara Fano militants, have demonstrated these qualities in their ongoing struggle, impressing and inspiring all who witness their actions.

The diaspora’s role should be one of support and solidarity rather than attempting to impose leadership from afar. It is crucial for those in the diaspora to recognize the autonomy and agency of the Amhara youth and to respect their ability to determine their future. The efforts to crown a single individual not only undermine the democratic principles that these diaspora members benefit from in their host countries but also disrespect the capacity and will of those on the ground.

In essence, while the diaspora has historically provided valuable support and continues to do so, it is imperative that the focus remains on empowering the local leadership chosen by the Amhara people themselves. The loud voices advocating for a single leader must reconsider their approach and align their actions with the democratic ideals they practice in their own lives. This is crucial for fostering unity and strength within the movement, a need that cannot be overstated. The true path to progress lies in respecting the choices of the Amhara youth and supporting their fight for a better future on their own terms.

Unity is a power for all of us.

The diaspora has always been a pivotal force in the struggle to liberate the Ethiopian people. Since the early 1960s, Ethiopians in the United States have been integral to the quest for democracy and liberty in Ethiopia. This commitment has spanned decades, underscoring the vital role the diaspora has played in shaping the nation’s political landscape.

In the early 1990s, when the TPLF, in partnership with the OLF, seized power and divided Ethiopia along ethnic lines, the Ethiopian diaspora did not remain silent. Instead, they organized under the Coalition for Democratic Forces (CODEF), becoming a powerful voice for the voiceless back home. This period marked a significant chapter in the diaspora’s ongoing commitment to Ethiopian democracy, highlighting their unwavering support for their compatriots and refusal to accept oppressive governance.

Over the years, cooperation between the diaspora and the in-country struggle has been fruitful. These joint efforts have often led to meaningful progress, showing that unity and collaboration are critical in the fight for justice and democracy. The diaspora’s continuous support and advocacy have provided a lifeline to the movements within Ethiopia.

As we look to the future, it is essential to recognize and embrace the right way to coordinate the struggles of Ethiopians both inside and outside the country. Instead of insisting that Fano is under one military and political leadership, it is imperative that the diaspora, who have the time and resources, resolve their issues and establish a single, unified leadership. By doing so, they can become a model for the struggle within Ethiopia.

Unfortunately, the current trend of forming fragmented groups within the diaspora and criticizing those actively fighting dictators has become a significant problem. Some factions in the diaspora have become increasingly arrogant, insisting on their preferred individuals as leaders while expecting others to follow suit. This divisiveness undermines the overall effort and detracts from the common goal.

The diaspora must set aside personal ambitions and work towards unity to move forward effectively. By doing so, they can present a cohesive front that supports and inspires the struggle within Ethiopia. Unity and collective action are crucial to achieving our shared goals and ensuring a brighter future for all Ethiopians.

What should be done from now on?

It is well known that Diaspora Ethiopians can make significant contributions to their homeland. With a rich tradition and cultural heritage, these communities have shown their potential to effect change through organization and leadership. Historically, during both the Derg era and the subsequent TPLF/EPRDF government, the Diaspora has demonstrated its influence by creating structured systems of support and advocacy.

However, the current situation reveals a fragmented Diaspora, where internal conflicts and negative thinking have hindered their ability to make a unified and positive impact. This disunity has not served the fight against oppressive systems within the country.

Given the current situation in Ethiopia, it is crucial to recognize the reasons behind Fano’s struggle. This movement is not about harming others but is a response to a significant and ongoing threat against the Amhara people. Fano’s primary objective is to counteract forces that seek to destabilize and oppress the Amhara people. The struggle aims to protect against genocide campaigns manifested through forced evictions and the destruction of livelihoods, particularly by extremist elements within the Oromo community.

Ethiopia’s current situation has led to the emergence of the Fano movement, which aims to address perceived threats against the Amhara people. This movement is not intended to cause harm but to protect the Amhara people from actions that its members believe threaten their existence and well-being.

The Fano movement seeks to counteract in defense of the people to those supporters, aim to destabilize and oppress the Amhara people. Concerns include forced evictions and the destruction of livelihoods, which are seen as part of broader campaigns of ethnic violence. Historically, the tensions traced back to political programs from organizations such as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), which some argue have marginalized the Amhara people.

The narrative among Fano supporters is that extremist elements within the Oromo community, including factions associated with the OLF and the Oromo Democratic Party (formerly OPDO), have openly stated intentions that are perceived as threatening to the Amhara people. Statements about breaking the power of certain groups and the aspiration to establish an Oromo nation are viewed as indications of a broader agenda that could lead to ethnic cleansing.

There is a widespread belief among supporters of the Fano movement that the current Ethiopian government, led by Abiy Ahmed, is complicit in these actions, seeking to replace the diverse fabric of Ethiopia with a homogeneous Oromo state. This perspective sees the struggle of the Amhara Fano not only as a defense of the Amhara people but also as a broader fight for the survival of Ethiopia’s diverse ethnic landscape.

Given these concerns, the Amhara Fano movement positions itself as a savior, defending not only the Amhara people but also offering hope to all Ethiopians who fear the consequences of unchecked extremism. The call to action is for all Ethiopians to stand against what is perceived as a dangerous political agenda, ensuring the protection and continuation of a united and diverse Ethiopia.

Moving forward, it is essential for the Diaspora to:

  1. Establish a cohesive and united front to maximize their impact on Ethiopian affairs. This involves setting aside individual and association conflicts to work towards a common goal.
  2. Focus on positive initiatives that support the country’s development and fight against oppressive systems, rather than being bogged down by internal discord.
  3. Recognize and support just movements like Fano’s, which seek to protect communities and promote justice and equality within Ethiopia.
  4. Foster open and constructive dialogue within the Diaspora and with stakeholders in Ethiopia to address concerns and find solutions collaboratively.

By adopting these strategies, the Ethiopian Diaspora can harness their collective strength to bring about meaningful change and support their homeland during these challenging times.

#Battle #Unity #Real #Struggle #Amhara #Fano #Diaspora #Infighting

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