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In the land of origins (Ethiopia), where politics is a never-ending circus, the TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front) has been throwing a tantrum of epic proportions. After being designated a terrorist organization, defeated, and surrendered (whoops, our bad!), they signed a peace deal with the government (yay, peace!).” But now, the die-hard, divided rulers of Tigrayan people are refusing to register as a new political party (um, what?). Talk about a terror-ific tantrum!

The Ethiopian Election Board is all like, “Hey, TPLF, you gotta follow the rules, just like everyone else.” But the TPLF is all, “Nah, we’re an ancient (fifty-years-old) special snowflakes, and our peace deal that saved our lives in Pretoria, South Africa should automatically make us legal again.”

It’s like they’re saying, “We’re above the law, and we want a get-out-of-jail-free card!” Meanwhile, the government is trying to balance legal integrity with the practicalities of fostering peace and reconciliation. It’s a tightrope act, friends!

So, what do you think? Should the TPLF get a free pass, or do they need to follow the rules like everyone else? Let’s weigh in on this peace deal drama!

The writer, LJDemissie, can be reached at [email protected] or @LJDemissie on Twitter.

#TPLFs #Terrorific #Fit #Peace #Deal #Drama

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