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Ethio Telecom, Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise (ESLSE), Ethiopian Insurance Corporation (EIC) and Berhanena Selam Printing Enterprise have agreed to contribute portions of the 25 percent seed money required to establish the Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX). The four SOEs, which are under the wing of the Ethiopian Investment Holdings (EIH), contribute under the EIH umbrella.

Along EIH, the SOEs have signed the founding agreement today.

The rest 75 percent of capital will be fulfilled from the private sector mainly financial institutions, in the next couple of months, before the ESX’s expected inauguration. Some 900 million birr capital is required to establish the stock exchange.

The four enterprises and EIH now contribute the 25 percent of the total formation capital. EIH contributes the major chunk of the 25pct capital.

The under-formation ESX has also secured seven founding board members today. The funding board members are Hilawe Tadesse, Eleni Gebremedhin (PhD), Fikadu Petros, Hinjat Shamil, Tewodros Mekonen (PhD), Yasmin Wehabrebi and Zemedeneh Nigatu. When additional investors come on board, by January 2024 at the latest, the board may be restructured.

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