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Lencho Bati cheering the best of the best

(TH) – Reports indicate that the United States has declined to endorse Lencho Bati’s nomination as Ethiopia’s ambassador, primarily due to his close associations with radical Oromo nationalism. Bati, who has been a prominent member of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), is recognized for his contentious political views, which likely played a role in the U.S. decision-making process. Previously, he held the position of Ethiopia’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia and was anticipated to succeed the current Ethiopian ambassador to the United States, Seleshi Bekele.

Abiy Ahmed Ali, the leader of the Prosperity Party, has remarked that the number of officials he has appointed and removed during his six years in office is comparable to the total number of officials who served over the previous sixty years. This statement underscores his approach to governance, which appears to prioritize a significant reshaping of the political landscape.

Analysts suggest that this frequent turnover of officials may stem from a lack of confidence in their loyalty, with some expressing concerns that departing officials might plot against him. This perception of insecurity could influence his decision-making process, leading to a more cautious and calculated approach in managing his administration.

It is essential to note that nearly a year ago, engineer Selshi Bekelen was removed from his position at the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, only to be subsequently elevated to a much more prominent role. This transition raises questions about the motivations behind such personnel changes within the government structure. At that time, various reports suggested that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s decision to appoint Lencho Bati might have been influenced by ethnic considerations. However, recent insights from internal sources at The Habesha indicate that the United States government has opted not to support Mr. Lencho Bati’s appointment, reflecting a lack of endorsement from the American administration regarding this particular choice.

The appointment of Abiy Ahmed illustrates an attempt to centralize government roles within a singular ethnic group. Observations concerning the Ethiopian embassy in Washington, D.C., reveal a predominant focus on rhetoric associated with the prosperity of Oromia, which lacks a more inclusive representation of Ethiopian identity. Reports suggest a growing trend of consolidating individuals who share similar linguistic and ethnic backgrounds, motivated by shared interests both domestically and internationally. This situation appears to be deteriorating to a degree that exceeds the conditions experienced during the era of the HHW.

The current administration under Abiy Ahmed is increasingly viewed as exhibiting more pronounced forms of racism compared to its predecessor. This perception extends beyond the ethnic homogeneity of the officials at the Washington Embassy. Firstly, appointments are frequently made by the Minister of State in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, often influenced by familial connections, ethnic affiliations, and personal interests. Secondly, many of these appointees lack the necessary skills, experience, and confidence required for their designated roles in political diplomacy, public diplomacy, and military attaché positions.

#Rejects #Abiy #Ahmeds #Ambassador #Nominee #Lencho #Bati

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