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Great Ethiopian Run 2023 – Great Ethiopian Run 2023 – Great Ethiopian Run

By Staff Reporter

ADDIS ABABA – (BORKENA) – Participants of Great  Ethiopian Run were caught and thrown into jail for chanting anti-government slogans, and singing songs that denounce the ruling party, sources said.

Young people who participated in the 23rd round “Great  Ethiopian Run”, which was held colourfully in Addis Ababa on Sunday 19 November 2023 last week, were arrested for allegedly “inciting violence and chaos”, Voice of America, Amharic Service reported yesterday.

Lawyer and legal consultant Solomon Gezahegn, who handled the cases of the young people told Voice of America that the defenders were accused of chanting anti-government slogans and songs while partaking in the Great Ethiopian Run.

The lawyer said that four of the detainees are TikTokers and YouTubers. Although they have been apprehended on different occasions since Sunday, they have not appeared before court yet.

A leadership member of a contending political party, Balderas for Genuine Democracy, was arrested before the event in connection with the Great Ethiopian Run and his case is under court proceedings, Party’s Office Head, Keleb Seyoum said.

An available source indicates that the international 10km Great Ethiopian Run is a flagship event and has been staged every year since 2001. The event has become the biggest road race in Africa with 45,000 participants.


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#Young #people #participated #Great #Ethiopian #Run #arrested #allegedly #inciting #violence

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