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Record Number of Tigray Youth Migrating to Neighboring Countries and the pattern of migration is said to be alarming

During public consultation in Mekelle (Photo : screenshot from VOA Amharic report)


The Tigray regional government disclosed this week that a high number of youths from the region have migrated to neighboring countries. According to the VoA Amharic report, over 34,000 youths have migrated to Djibouti, Yemen, and Sudan in less than two years. It was revealed during a public consultation in the region, organized by the relevant office.

The Tigray Region Youth Affairs department stated that the rate of youth migration from the region to neighboring countries has reached an alarming level.

Ato Haysh Sebagadis, head of the Region’s Youth Affairs office, mentioned that the majority of youths are migrating through Afar with Djibouti being their primary destination. Over 32,000 youths from the region have migrated to Djibouti in less than two years.

Authorities termed the pattern of migration in the region as a mass migration.

It is reported that the migration pattern post the Pretoria agreement, which ended the two-year war between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and Abiy Ahmed’s government, is causing alarm.

Authorities referred to a study released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Assistant Professor Tadis Abraha stated that the total number of youth migrations from Ethiopia, during the same period of time, exceeded 110,000, with 28 percent originating from the Tigray region.

The Region’s Youth Affairs Office sees stable political leadership with arrangement for youth participation and creating job opportunities  as essential measures to reverse the trend of Youth Mass Migration in the region.

It has called upon governmental and non-governmental organizations, religious leaders, and the media to collaborate in addressing this issue.

Aside from the economic devastation and livelihoods impacted, the devastating war between the TPLF and Abiy Ahmed’s government from November 2020 to November 2022 is reported to have resulted in the loss of over 1 million lives from Afar, Amhara, and Tigray regions of Ethiopia.


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